I Support the 1776 Project (Bumper Sticker)
We support the 1776 Project!
What's the 1776 Project?
Glad you asked! In 2019, President Donald J. Trump, commissioned a group of 18 learned and prominent historical experts, intellectuals, and college professionals to produce the 1776 Project. It's an important project to help save our history!
Beautifully demonstrating the un-whitewashed history of our nation’s past, The 1776 Report provides a succinct explanation of where our Founders stood on issues we would later learn to handle differently.
History is not a living thing: it is not moral or immoral. It simply is a retelling of the actions of men and women who lived in a different time, with different ideas and thoughts from different environments and experiences. Whether those ideas would later be found pejorative is not a burden of the retelling.
History should be factual: it cannot be rewritten to fit a political identity.