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D.A.D.D.D. Dads Against Daughters Dating Democrats Unisex T-Shirt

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No, it's not the fathers' version Mothers Against Drunk Driving. It's dads taking a stand for the moral—and political—integrity of their families!

With fathers having to combat the "free love" spirit of licentious desire that American culture so prizes at every turn—on the television, at school, on the Internet, everywhere—the last thing a father needs is some swashbuckling, smooth-talking liberal to come into his daughter's life and undo in five days what it's taken him over a decade to instill.

Women should be protected not only from the abuse and objectification of libertines and Lotharios, but also from the misinformation, hatred, and ideological bankruptcy of the Left.

Love and courtship are beautiful things, but random and immature dating during adolescence is not a God-honoring use of time, and distorts the purpose of companionship—especially when you're spending all your time with a guy that defends government-sanctioned theft, murder, and infiltration into our everyday lives.

Be a real father. Be all she needs—and more—so she won't feel the desire to date so young—or so stupid.

This shirt is sure to start conversations everywhere you go. Wear it proudly, and let your friends and neighbors know why you're a member of D.A.D.D.D—Dads Against Daughters Dating Democrats!

Printed on the Front of a white t-shirt.

Let any prospective son-in-laws know right off the bat what you expect!


Reviews from Happy Patriots!