Mel Coffee Roast "Making America Classy Again" (Chocolate Coffee)
As actor James Woods raised on Twitter (which sparked massive debate): “If the Trumps were Democrats, Melania would be on every cover of every chic women’s magazine in the world every month,” he wrote.
Well, we think Melania deserves to be on the cover so we are dedicating our newest and most deliciously decadent chocolate-infused coffee in her honor. Elegant and graceful, you will not be able to resist a 2nd cup!
But why not? Coffee has no calories!
- 12 oz. freshly roasted coffee – we recommend fresh grinding just before brewing for the best quality, taste, and effect.
- Flavor: Decadent Chocolate Delight
"She walks in beauty, the nameless grace...."
Lord Byron may have never met Melania, our elegant and beautiful First Lady, but these words give a perfect description.
She speaks multiple languages! She has a level of charm and class we haven’t seen for decades. She resembles the royalty of olden sagas.
Yet the left trashes her, belittles her, ignores her contributions to the Be Best campaign against bullying and opioid abuse. While Michelle Obama was presented on 12 magazine covers during the 8-year span of her husband’s reign of terror against freedom-loving Patriotic Americans, our graceful Melania has been spurned.
Artwork provided by Doug Giles. See more at https://douggiles.art/