Serenity in the Storm: Living Through Chaos by Leaning on Christ (Hardcover)
In Kayleigh McEnany's Serenity in the Storm, she brings to light the cultural and political issues of our time, helping readers find strength and hope despite the chaos of the world. Through analyzing world events through the lens of faith, McEnany's analysis provides the clarity and insight needed to navigate these aberrational times. With thoughtful and elegant prose, gain the peace and serenity to combat the pain, destruction and division experienced today.
Kayleigh McEnany brings to life the key cultural and political issues of our time, from the fall of Afghanistan to the Supreme Court’s abortion decision, analyzing world events through the lens of faith and providing readers with Serenity in the Storm.
Our world, without question, is experiencing aberrational times. The ravages and life-altering realities of COVID-19 that I worked through as White House press secretary were just the start of it. What followed was a series of history-defining events. From the fall of Afghanistan to the nationwide crime wave, we’ve all endured painful images of death, destruction, and chaos.
Meanwhile, radical teachings on gender and race have infiltrated our nation’s schools, poisoning the minds of our children—all at a time when our country feels more divided than ever before. Along with these twenty-first century realities can come a feeling of despair and discouragement. Indeed, I hear it all the time as I crisscross the country: Americans feel disheartened and seek hope.
Language : English
Hardcover : 320 pages
ISBN-10 : 1637587295
ISBN-13 : 978-1637587294
Item Weight : 1.45 pounds
Dimensions : 6 x 1.1 x 9 inches